Monday, April 24, 2017

Budgets and Debt

If you feel like depressing your students, or getting them all kinds of fired up, I would suggest having them read this article and watching this video. We are talking about debt in my class and this always leaves them walking out of the room talking so very good economics. You can also show them the US debt clock which will also depress them. I tell them they are the solution to the problem, so they need to start thinking about now.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

26 Economics Games

This is a wonderful resource that I know I will be using for review this year and games next year. I just starting exploring all that this site has to offer. Jacob Reed who teaches in California made this site.

Monday, April 17, 2017


I am assuming that, much like me, you have had your spring break and are now back for the home stretch of the school year. I hope everyone had a restful time and is ready to tackle what can be the most difficult time of the year to teach. If you have not signed up for EdTechTeam's email, you should. There are a number of events and books about tech in the classroom on their website. I might have some summer reading ahead of me found on their newly released books tab of their website.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Fi$H Economics

This is a fun resource that explains so many concepts of economics. There are a ton of resources here. The videos are engaging and the lesson plans are simple to follow. Enjoy! 

Monday, April 3, 2017

Humans Need Not Apply

We are covering factor markets in my classes. This video came up and it led to some great conversation. I disagree with the video, but it does illustrate the fact that we are training students for jobs that are not yet created and the need for them to be thinking outside of the box. Economics taught right does just this. Here is an article that refutes what is brought up in the video.